
Yuendumu Native Settlement

The Yuendumu Native Settlement was established at Mount Doreen, 350 kilometres north west of Alice Springs, in 1946 as a government ration depot. That same year missionaries from the Australian Baptist Home Mission began welfare work at the settlement. Although two dormitories were constructed in 1947-48, it is unclear for how long they were used….

Baptist Aboriginal Ministries

Baptist Aboriginal Ministries was the new name given in 1981 to the Baptist Aborigines Mission. Baptist Aboriginal Ministries (B.A.M.) was the Aboriginal welfare agency of the Baptist Union of WA until the B.A.M. was formally discontinued at the Annual Assembly of Baptist Churches in October 1991.

Baptist Aborigines Mission

Baptist Aborigines Mission was the Aboriginal welfare agency of the Baptist Union of WA. In 1981, Baptist Aborigines Mission changed its name to Baptist Aboriginal Ministries.

Parent Help Centre

Parent Help Centre was established around 2004 in the premises that had been the Katukuku Employment Hostel.


Marribank, near Katanning, was run by the Baptist Union as an Aboriginal mission from November 1952, when it continued the Marribank Farm Training School. Marribank accepted children who were wards of the state and private admissions. By the 1970s, Marribank was reported as operating with a community development model and by the 1980s was offering…

Kyewong Hostel

Kyewong, in Como, was established around 1967 as a government-run Aboriginal education and employment hostel for high school-age children who came from country areas to continue their education in Perth. In 1970, it was transferred to the Baptist Union, for young women coming to Perth from Marribank, seeking employment. By 1975, the hostel had been…

Katukutu Employment Hostel

Katukutu was established in 1958, as an independently-managed hostel in Mount Lawley to accommodate young Aboriginal men coming to Perth to work from rural Western Australia. In 1961, Katukutu moved nearby into premises that had been Alvan House and by 1966 was run by the Baptist Union. It became a government-run facility by 1974, possibly…

Katanning Group Home

Katanning Group Home (also known ‘Oxley Road’ or ‘Marribank Group Home’) was established in 1978, by the Baptist Union, to accommodate Aboriginal children from Marribank, possibly while they went to school in Katanning. By 1984, it was providing short-term and emergency care for up to six children. It had closed by 1989.

Alvan House

Alvan House was established in 1950 by the Department of Native Affairs to provide metropolitan accommodation for Aboriginal schoolgirls in Mount Lawley. In 1959, responsibility for running Alvan House passed to the Baptist Union and Aboriginal ‘working boys’ rather than female students, were accommodated. In 1961, Katukutu Employment Hostel moved into the premises. Alvan House…

Baptist Union of South Australia

The Baptist Union of South Australia is an umbrella organisation for 70 Baptist churches in South Australia. The Baptist Union of South Australia was formed in 1863. Representatives from the Baptist Union of South Australia formed part of the board of management which ran Morialta Protestant Children’s Home between 1924 and 1974.