
The Swanleigh Hostel Council

The Swanleigh Hostel Council was the body formed in 1962 to replace Swanleigh Council to govern the Anglican children’s Home and hostel, Swanleigh. The Swanleigh Hostel Council was replaced in 1971 by The Anglican Homes Board: Swanleigh Council. In The Noisy Mansions (1986, pp.210-214), former Director of Swan Homes and Swanleigh, Roy Peterkin gave an…

Swanleigh Council

Swanleigh Council was the body formed in 1959 to develop and govern the largest Anglican institution, Swanleigh, which replaced Swan Homes in 1960. In 1962 Swanleigh Council was replaced by The Swanleigh Hostel Council. In The Noisy Mansions (1986, pp.210-214), former Director of Swan Homes and Swanleigh, Roy Peterkin gave an overview of the role…

The Anglican Homes Board

The Anglican Homes Board was the body formed to replace Anglican Orphanages Board of Management to govern Anglican Children’s Homes in Perth. The Anglican Homes Board was supplemented by the Swanleigh Council which was formed to develop and govern the largest Anglican institution, Swanleigh, which replaced Swan Homes. In The Noisy Mansions (1986, pp.210-214), former…

Anglican Orphanages Board of Management

The Anglican Orphanages Board of Management was the body formed to replace Orphanages’ Committee to govern Anglican orphanages and children’s homes in Perth. In 1954 the Anglican Orphanages Board of Management was replaced by the Anglican Homes Board. In The Noisy Mansions (1986, pp.129, 210-214), former Director of Swan Homes and Swanleigh, Roy Peterkin gave…

The Committee

The Committee was the first body set up by the Anglican church in Perth to govern the Perth Girls’ Orphanage, and other Anglican children’s Homes as they were established. In 1889 The Committee was replaced by the Orphanages’ Committee. In The Noisy Mansions (1986), former Director of Swan Homes and Swanleigh, Roy Peterkin quoted (p.6)…

Hillston, Anglican Farm School, Stoneville

Hillston, Anglican Farm School, Stoneville was the new name given to the Anglican Farm School, Stoneville in 1962. It was an ‘open’ reformatory for adolescent boys. It was run by a combined government-Anglican committee called the Committee of Anglican Diocesan Council and Child Welfare Department. In 1969 Hillston, Anglican Farm School, Stoneville became the government-run…

Anglican Farm School, Stoneville

This ‘open’ reformatory for adolescent boys was established by the government, and opened on 12 August 1955. It was run by a combined government-Anglican committee and managed by the church until April 1960. At this time the Anglican Homes Board requested to be relieved of responsibility to the Home, and the Anglican Diocese of Perth…

Carlisle Group House

Carlisle Group House was established by Anglicare WA in 1976. By 1983, it provided support and medium term accomodation for up to eight young people aged 16-20 years in a group house setting. It closed around 1994, and was replaced by Anglicare Youth House.

Penny Jones House

Penny Jones House was established by Parkerville Children and Youth Care Inc in 2008, replacing Jenny House. It provided safe, supported transitional accommodation to young women who are homeless or likely to become homeless. In 2008, Jenny House was refurbished and became known as the Penny Jones House, remaining part of the Parkerville Children’s Home…

Parkerville Children and Youth Care (Inc)

Parkerville Children and Youth Care (Inc) was established as a legal entity in 2005. Previously it was known as Parkerville Children’s Home Incorporated. It is the organisation that has inherited the history, records and ongoing operations of the Parkerville Children’s Home. In 2014, it also provided out of home care in metropolitan and regional Western…