
Groote Eylandt Mission

Groote Eylandt Mission was established by the Church Missionary Society (CMS) in 1921 at Emerald River on Groote Eylandt. By 1924 it operated a school and dormitories for Aboriginal children from the mainland. From 1933 most children were sent to Roper River Mission and the Groote Eylandt Mission worked more with the local Aboriginal community….

Roper River Mission

Roper River Mission was established in 1908 by the Church Missionary Society at Mirlinbarrwarr. It included a school and dormitories for Aboriginal children aged 5 to 18 years. Between 1924 and 1933 some children were moved between Roper River and Groote Eylandt Missions. After severe floods in 1940 the Mission moved to Ngukurr. During World…

Northern Territory Native Industrial Mission

The Northern Territory Native Industrial Mission was established in 1899 at Karparlgoo on the South Alligator River in Western Arnhem Land. It was founded while the Northern Territory was administered by the South Australian Government and was supported by an Adelaide Church of England parish, St Luke’s, Whitmore Square. Although records show definite intentions to…

St Mary’s Hostel

St Mary’s Hostel was the new name given to the Mount Blatherskite Hostel near Alice Springs in 1947. Run by the Australian Board of Missions it provided accommodation and schooling for Aboriginal children placed by their parents or committed to the Hostel by the Director of Native Affairs. A number of Aboriginal children returning from…

St Andrew’s Hostel, Esperance

St Andrew’s Hostel, Esperance was established in 1968 by the Anglican Diocese of Kalgoorlie to accommodate young people attending high school in Esperance. From 1973 to 1975 it was run by the Anglican Diocese of Perth and then by the Country High School Hostels Authority. It was not uncommon for children who were wards of…

Anglican Diocese of Kalgoorlie

The Anglican Diocese of Kalgoorlie was formed in 1914 and in 1973 became part of the Anglican Diocese of Perth.

Anglicare Teenshare

Anglicare Teenshare was a fostercare placement program run by Anglicare for young people needing emergency, short-term and longer-term fostercare. It continued the Anglicare Emergency Foster Care Scheme and Anglicare Homesharers programs. In 2010, Anglicare Teenshare was replaced by the Anglicare Fostering Futures program. Anglicare Teenshare was a fostercare placement service for children and young people…

Waif’s Home, Parkerville

The Waif’s Home, Parkerville began in 1903. It was founded by the Sisters of the Church. Sister Kate Clutterbuck has had the strongest association with the Home, which was the pioneer in Western Australia of ‘cottage care’ and keeping children from the same family together. In 1909, the Waif’s Home, Parkerville became a subsidised orphanage…

Parkerville Children’s Home Incorporated

Parkerville Children’s Home Incorporated (also known as the Parkerville Association) was the body established in June 1925 to manage the functions and assets of the Parkerville Children’s Home. In 2005, Parkerville Children’s Home Incorporated changed its name to Parkerville Children and Youth Care (Inc). At first, all members and Trustees of Parkerville Children’s Home Incorporated…

Perth College

Perth College was established in 1902 by the Sisters of the Church, an Anglican religious order, as a boarding and day school. From 1902 to around 1910, the college also accommodated girls aged 6-10 years who had been brought by the Sisters in 1901 from the Orphanage of Mercy, Kilburn in England. ‘Destitute’ babies were…