The Swan Native and Half-Caste Mission was run by the Anglican Church in Guildford (Middle Swan) from 1888 to 1920. It continued Bishop Hale’s Institution for Native and Half-Caste Children. Aboriginal boys and girls were accommodated at the mission, in separate ‘branches’. The boys’ branch included non-Aboriginal boys by 1899, possibly earlier. The mission closed…
The St James Residential College at Moora has been operating since around 1977. Its purpose is to provide accommodation for students attending high school in Moora. It is likely that the Residential College is the successor to an earlier high school hostel, taking its name from the St James Anglican parish church in Moora.
St Christopher’s Hostel began as an Anglican boys’ high school hostel in 1941 and in 1960 came under the control of the Country High Schools Hostel Authority. From 1987, it was co-educational. St Christopher’s closed in 2002. St Christopher’s Hostel was established in Northam in 1941 by the Anglican Church to provide accommodation for boys…
Merredin Residential College is a hostel for children going to the Merredin High School. It was established and run by the Anglican Church from February 1954, under the control of a local management committee. At this time, it was known as St Michael’s Hostel. From 1962, the Country High School Hostels Authority ran St Michael’s…
Chesterfield House, Rockingham Youth External Accommodation Project was established in 1983 and over the years has provided emergency accommodation and other support services for six to ten young people aged 13-20 years. Chesterfield House was established and run as a community initiative, supported by the Shire of Rockingham and the departments responsible for child welfare….
Yes! Housing (Youth Externally Supported Housing) is the name that was given in 1997 to Youth Focus, which had been established by Anglicare in 1991. Yes! Housing offered emergency accommodation and housing program for young people aged from 15-17 years in the Perth metropolitan area who were homeless or at risk of homelessness. Supporting young…
The Orphanages’ Committee was the body formed to replace The Committee (1868-1888) to govern Anglican orphanages and children’s homes in Perth. The Orphanages’ Committee was replaced by the Anglican Orphanages Board of Management (1940-1954). The close ties between the Anglican Diocese of Perth, the Orphanages’ Committee and other the boards and committees of Anglican children’s…
Anglican Health and Welfare Services was an agency established by the Anglican Diocese of Perth in 1974. It aimed to coordinate and manage welfare services in the diocese, including out of home care. It was common for government reports to mention both ‘Anglican Health and Welfare Services’ and ‘Anglicare’ as the operator of out of…
Seaside House, Coogee was established in 1931 by the Orphanages Committee of the Anglican Diocese of Perth as a holiday home for children from Homes run by the committee. In 1946 it also became a full-time residential facility for up to 30 primary-school aged children, run as a branch of the Swan Homes and then…
Swan Homes, in Middle Swan was created from a merger of two Anglican children’s homes in 1943. The Perth Girls’ Orphanage was evacuated to Swan Boys’ Orphanage at Middle Swan during World War II, and the two children’s homes merged into one institution. During this time, the type of accommodation changed from dormitories to large…