This Act Number 693 amends the Neglected and Criminal Children’s Act 1864. Section 10 sets out the amount to be paid out of consolidated revenue, five shillings per week per child maintained in every school established under the Act of 1864. Left to operation on 26/11/1881 Government Gazette No.7 1882, p. 146. This Act was…
The Children’s Welfare Act 1926 (No. 3497) is ‘An Act to amend the Neglected Children’s Act 1915’. It extended the power of the state over children under state ‘care’ but who were placed with private persons or institutions.
The Social Welfare (Administration) Act 1977 (No. 9018) amended the Social Welfare Act 1970. The 1977 amendment reflected changes to the administration of the department, for example, the Youth Welfare Division’s name change to Youth Welfare Services, and the abolition of the Family Welfare Division. The Social Welfare (Administration) Act 1977 was repealed by Statute…
The Public Health Amendment Statute 1883, No. 782, also referred to as the Public Health Amendment Act, made local boards responsible for overseeing the registration of children placed in the homes of people other than their families. This was Victoria’s first attempt to legally regulate the practice referred to as baby-farming. In the mid-nineteenth century…
The Neglected and Criminal Children’s Amendment Act 1874 amended the Neglected and Criminal Children’s Act of 1864. The main change was its introduction of the practice of boarding-out to Victoria’s child welfare system. Boarding-out was introduced into the Victorian child welfare system as a solution to the overcrowding and poor health within the colony’s industrial…
The Aborigines Protection Act 1886, No. DCCCCXII (912), commenced the policy of forcibly removing “half caste” aboriginals from missions and reserves. It did so by changing the definition of aboriginal to exclude “half-castes”. The Long title of the Act is ‘An Act to amend an Act intituled “An Act to provide for the Protection and…
The Parentage Act 2004 (Act no. 1/2004) became effective on 22 March 2004. It was varied by the Adoption Amendment Act 2009 (No. 2) in 2009.
The Children’s Services (Amendment) Ordinance 1987 (Act no. 28/1987) amended the Children’s Services Ordinance 1986. It began on 15 June 1987 and was repealed by the Children and Young People (Consequential Amendments) Act 1999 on 10 May 2000. This ordinance became an ACT Act on 11 May 1989.
The Adoption (Consequential Amendments) Act 1993 (Act no. 23/1993) full title was ‘An Act to amend certain Acts in consequence of the enactment of the Adoption Act 1993’. The Acts amended by this Bill were the Artificial Conception Act 1985, the Birth (Equality of Status) Act 1988, the Children’s Services Act 1986, and the Testamentary…
The Adoption Amendment Act 2009 (Act no. 6/2009) is fully titled ‘An Act to amend the Adoption Act 1993’. It commenced on 6 March 2009 and was repealed by the Legislation Act 2001, Section 89 Paragraph 1, on 7 March 2009.