The Aboriginals Ordinance 1930 (Act no. 5/1930) is an amendment of the Aboriginals Ordinance 1918. It commenced on 22 May 1930.
The Aboriginals Ordinance 1928 (Act no. 17/1928) is an amendment of the Aboriginals Ordinance 1918. It commenced on 3 August 1928.
The Aboriginals Ordinance 1927 (Act no. 05/1927) is an amendment of the Aboriginals Ordinance 1918. It commenced on 27 August 1927.
The Aboriginals Ordinance 1924 (No. 2) (Act no. 11/1924) is the third amendment of the Aboriginals Ordinance 1918. It commenced on 29 May 1924.
The Aboriginals Ordinance 1925 (Act no. 14/1925) is the fourth amendment of the Aboriginals Ordinance 1918. It commenced on 30 July 1925 and was superceded by the Aboriginals Ordinance 1927 on 27 August 1927.
The Aboriginals Ordinance 1924 (Act no. 10/1924) is the second amendment of the Aboriginals Ordinance 1918.
The Aboriginals Ordinance 1923 (Act no. 6/1923) is the first amendment of the Aboriginals Ordinance 1918.
The Aboriginals Ordinance 1939 (Act No. 4/1939) amended the Aboriginals Ordinance 1918. The 1918 Ordinance had already undergone amendments in 1924, 1927, 1928, 1930,1933, 1936 and 1937. The 1939 amendment was significant because it brought about the abolition of the role of Chief Protector, replacing it with the Director of Native Affairs. It commenced on…
The Welfare Ordinance 1961 (Act No. 12/1962) amended the Welfare Ordinance 1953. It was passed on 3 March 1962 and commenced on 3 May 1962. The Welfare Ordinance 1961 continued to allow for the separation of children from their parents, however it placed restrictions on the means with which this was done. For the separation…
Aboriginals Ordinance (No. 2) 1953 (Act no. 9/1953) was an amendment of the Aboriginals Ordinance 1918. However, it never commenced because the date of commencement had not been fixed before the repeal of Aboriginals Ordinance 1918-1953, which this Ordinance proposed to amend, became effective.