The Aborigines Office was the name given to the Office of the Protector of Aborigines in 1866 while the position of Protector was vacant due to illness. During this period the responsibilities of the Protector were taken on by clerks in the Aborigines Office and a greater number of sub-protectors. The Aborigines Office consisted only…
The Children’s Welfare and Public Relief Department took over the functions of the State Children’s Department and the Destitute Persons’ Department in 1927. With the passing of the Social Welfare Act 1926-1965, the Children’s Welfare and Public Relief Department was renamed the Social Welfare Department on 26 January 1966.
The State Children’s Department took over responsibility for State children from the Destitute Poor Department in 1886 as a result of the passing of the Destitute Persons Act Amendment Act 1886. This Act created the term ‘State Child’ and separated responsibility for the care of State children from that of adults who continued to be…
The Destitute Poor Department was responsible for providing relief and care for destitute persons, including children, throughout South Australia, under the direction of the Destitute Board. As a result of the passing of the Destitute Persons Act Amendment Act in 1886 responsibility for state children was passed from the Destitute Poor Department to the new…
The Destitute Persons’ Department was the new name given to the Destitute Poor Department in 1910. It continued to provide relief and care for destitute adults until it was replaced by the Children’s Welfare and Public Relief Department in 1927.
The Aboriginal Family Support Services Inc. (AFSS) was established in 1978 as the SA Aboriginal Child Care Agency Forum Inc. (ACCA) in order to have an Aboriginal organisation involved in matters relating to child welfare. It was renamed Aboriginal Family Support Services in 1998.
The Aboriginal Child Care Agency was established in South Australia in 1978. It was established as an Aboriginal community controlled organisation to recruit Aboriginal foster parents to take in Aboriginal children. Prior to 1978 many Aboriginal children were removed from their families and placed in institutions or with non-Aboriginal families. The Agency worked to place…
The Commonwealth Department of Aboriginal Affairs was formed in 1972. As a result of the creation of this department, the Federal Government took over responsibility for all issues related to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people in Australia. Policy and planning functions which had previously been the responsibility of the States were transferred to the…
The Anglican Social Welfare Bureau was the new name for the Church of England Social Welfare Bureau from 1981. The name changed when the Church of England in Australia and Tasmania became the Anglican Church of Australia. The Anglican Social Welfare Bureau provided support and advice for people in need of assistance. It was also…
Mansfield House was a children’s home in South Australia. The location, operating dates and purpose of Mansfield House are unknown.