
Adoptions and Permanency Services

The Adoptions and Permanency Services is part of Children, Youth and Families, within the Tasmanian Department for Education, Children and Young People. It manages adoptions and runs the Adoption Information Service, as well as the After Care Support Program, which provides support, including records access services, to Tasmanian care leavers. After Care Support Program The…

Premier’s Department, State of Tasmania

The Premier’s Department replaced the Premier’s and Chief Secretary’s Department in 1976, having dropped the ministerial office of the Chief Secretary. It was a central point for the business of the Tasmanian government. On 1 February 1985, it became the Department of Premier and Cabinet.

Department of Premier and Cabinet, State of Tasmania

The Department of Premier and Cabinet replaced the Premier’s Department on 1 February 1985. It remained a central point for the business of the Tasmanian government but also took on a new role in policy analysis and advice. In 2013, it remains the Department of Premier and Cabinet.

Premier’s and Chief Secretary’s Department, State of Tasmania

The Premier’s and Chief Secretary’s Department replaced the Chief Secretary’s Department and Premier’s Office in 1955. Like its predecessor, it coordinated the administrative business of the Tasmanian government. In 1976, it became the Premier’s Department.

Chief Secretary’s Department and Premier’s Office, State of Tasmania

The Chief Secretary’s Department and Premier’s Office took over from the Chief Secretary’s Department in 1914. Like its predecessor, it coordinated the administrative business of the Tasmanian government. In 1955, it became the Premier’s and Chief Secretary’s Office. The Under-Secretary was in charge of the Chief Secretary’s Department. Between 1898 and 1911, the Neglected Children’s…

Chief Secretary’s Department, Colony of Tasmania

The Chief Secretary’s Department was established in 1882. It coordinated the administrative business of the Tasmanian government. Between 1896 and 1901, the Neglected Children’s Department was a part of the Chief Secretary’s Department. In 1901, following Australian federation, Tasmania became a state and the new state government took over the Chief Secretary’s Department. The Under-Secretary…

Community Hostels

Community Hostels originally ran Mara House.

St Giles Society

The St Giles Society, in Newstead, replaced St Giles Home in about 1995. It provides services and support for children with disabilities so that they can remain with their families. In 2013, St Giles holds the records of St Giles Home.

Roland Children’s Services

Roland Children’s Services, in Burnie, replaced Roland Boys’ Home in about 1993. It provided services to young people in need or at risk on the north-west coast. Roland Children’s Services closed in 2021 and the records of Roland Boys’ Home were transferred to Clarendon Children’s Services Inc.

Cornwall Receiving Home

Cornwall Receiving Home, run by the government, opened in the late 1970s. It was in Launceston. The Home provided temporary accommodation to children who were wards of state or supervised in other ways by the Social Welfare Department. Cornwall Receiving Home became Cornwall Family Group Home in 1980. A married woman, known as a Receiving…