
Crossroads west

Crossroads west is the Salvation Army’s administrative body for youth residential and support programs. It was established in 1991 on the site of the Hollywood Children’s Village to administer its child and youth services programs in Western Australia. Crossroads west, the Salvation Army’s administration body for youth residential and support programs, was officially launched on…

Roelands Native Mission Farm

Roelands Native Mission Farm was established in 1938 and was run by a council of management with Protestant church associations. It began as a farm for Aboriginal families but by 1941 admitted only Aboriginal children. At first, children under 8 were placed at Roelands, but older children were later placed there. There were 85 boys…

Chandler Boys’ Farm

Chandler Boys’ Farm was established in 1932 on a property at Seven Hills on the banks of the Collie River at Roelands. It was a privately-run training centre for up to 20 unemployed boys aged over 14 years who were selected for placement. Some had parents who paid fees, but others were subsidised. The farm…

Presbyterian Church

The Presbyterian Church was established in the Crown Colony of Western Australia in 1879. In 1901, it joined with other States to form the Presbyterian Church of Australia and in 1977 became part of the Uniting Church in Australia. The Presbyterian Church in WA was involved with missions, Children’s Homes and Homes for children and…

Port Hedland Group Home

Port Hedland Group Home was established in 1977. It was government-run and provided emergency and short term accommodation for Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal children in Port Hedland. By 1979, another group home had been opened in South Hedland, giving child welfare authorities a choice of placements. The Port Hedland Group Home probably closed around 1983.

Parkerville Children’s Home

The Parkerville Children’s Home continued the Waifs’ Home, Parkerville from 1909. It was run by the Community of the Sisters of the Church from 1909 to 1925 and from 1925 to 2005 by the Parkerville Children’s Home Incorporated. Over time, Parkerville developed a range of youth care and family services, including non-residential programs. In 2005…


Nulungu, in Broome, was established in 1971 by the Christian Brothers as a school. Over the years, Nulungu also accommodated Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal children who were wards of the State when they came to Broome for medical treatment. These children may have records held by child welfare authorities. In 1994, Nulungu became St Mary’s College…

Northam Group Home

The Northam Group Home was established in 1980, providing government-run emergency and short-term accommodation for up to eight Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal children from babies to young teenagers, with some long-term admissions. In 2002, the Northam Group Home closed due to staff shortages, but it was open in 2004, possibly closing permanently in 2005. Government reports…

Norseman Mission

Norseman Mission was a ‘children’s mission’ established in 1935 by members of the Churches of Christ and then run from 1942 by the Churches of Christ Federal Aborigines Mission Board Inc. Its purpose was to provide accommodation, education and vocational training for children and young people aged 2-15 years. The number of children at the…

Ngangganawili Group Home

The Ngangganawili Group Home, in Wiluna, was a government-run group home established to provide emergency accommodation for children. It is known to have been operating in 1982. The Department for Community Welfare said in its annual report in 1982 (Signposts 2004, p.374) that one of the factors that led to the establishment of the Ngangganawili…