
Orphanages’ Committee

The Orphanages’ Committee was the body formed to replace The Committee (1868-1888) to govern Anglican orphanages and children’s homes in Perth. The Orphanages’ Committee was replaced by the Anglican Orphanages Board of Management (1940-1954). The close ties between the Anglican Diocese of Perth, the Orphanages’ Committee and other the boards and committees of Anglican children’s…

Anglican Health and Welfare Services

Anglican Health and Welfare Services was an agency established by the Anglican Diocese of Perth in 1974. It aimed to coordinate and manage welfare services in the diocese, including out of home care. It was common for government reports to mention both ‘Anglican Health and Welfare Services’ and ‘Anglicare’ as the operator of out of…

Yorganop Association Incorporated

Yorganop Association Incorporated has provided out of home care placements for Aboriginal children in Western Australia since 1986. Originally known as the Aboriginal Child Care Agency, Yorganop was established to provide placement services for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children in the Perth metropolitan area, and also had responsibility for family tracing and youth work….

Yandeyarra Station

Yandeyarra Station, in the Pilbara across the Yule River, was run by a local Aboriginal community. From at least 1978 to 1983, the Department for Community Welfare sent Aboriginal boys and girls who had been convicted of offences to Yandeyarra so that they could receive practical training, support and guidance. Yandeyarra Station was one of…

Wongutha Mission Training Farm

Wongutha Mission Training Farm, near Esperance, was established in 1954 by RW (Rod) Schenk. It was for Aboriginal boys aged over 14 and, by the 1960s, girls. There was training in farming and Christian leadership. Wongutha was run by a local board of management. In 1990, the Christian Aboriginal Parent-Directed School Inc (CAPS) from Coolgardie…


Wanslea was established as a Home for young children in Cottesloe. It was run by a private management committee, taking private admissions. By the 1960s, children who were wards were also sent to Wanslea and in the 1980s, school-age children were placed there. From 1985 the model of ‘care’ changed from orphanage-style accommodation to cottage…

WA School for Deaf Children

The WA School for Deaf Children was established in East Perth in 1896 as the West Australian Deaf and Dumb Instution. It moved to Buckland Hill (Mosman Park) in 1900. This residential school admitted children of all ages, including those who were wards of the state and private boarders, until the residential section closed in…

Vailima Hostel

Vailima Hostel, in Narrogin accommodated Aboriginal girls and boys in a Christian environment while they went to school or work. It was associated with the Roelands Native Mission Farm and a local pastor from Narrogin. House parents lived at Vailima. Child welfare authorities placed children at Vailima. It closed on 25 November 1977. Vailima Hostel,…

Strelley Station

Strelley Station, in the Pilbara, was run by a local Aboriginal community. From at least 1981 to 1983, the Department for Community Welfare sent male and female Aboriginal teenagers who had been convicted of offences to Strelley so that they could receive practical training and guidance. Strelley Station was one of a number of pastoral…

South Hedland Group Home

South Hedland Group Home was established in 1979. It was government-run and provided emergency and short term accommodation for up to eight young Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal children in a family setting. Another home, the Port Hedland Group Home, was also in the area, giving child welfare authorities a choice of placements. By at least 2000,…