
Sister Kate’s Children’s Cottage Home

Sister Kate’s Children’s Cottage Home was established in Queen’s Park by mid-1934 when Sister Kate Clutterbuck moved with seven Aboriginal children from the Children’s Cottage Home at Buckland Hill in Cottesloe. The Home was funded by the Aborigines Department to house ‘fair skinned’ Aboriginal children. During World War II the children at the Home were…

Sister Kate’s Child and Family Care Services

Sister Kate’s Child and Family Care Services was the name given to the administrative body that ran the Sister Kate’s Children’s Home and Mogumber Training Centre after they were combined during 1980 – 1981 as part of a restructure of Uniting Church agencies. In 1988, following the appointment of Dean Collard as Director a year…

Adoption Jigsaw, Western Australia (Inc)

Adoption Jigsaw provides information and services to people who have been involved in adoption. The organisation was founded in 1978 ‘for the purpose of lobbying for legislative change and more openness in adoption.’ Since 1979, Adoption Jigsaw has had a confidential ‘Contact Register’ for people wishing to make contact with other parties to the adoption…

State Library of Western Australia

The State Library of Western Australia is the State’s main reference library. It has resources dedicated to the history of Western Australia and the people of the State.

Tuart Place

Tuart Place is a resource service for people who were in any type of out-of-home care during childhood, including foster care and children’s Homes. It is located in Fremantle, Western Australia and is open three days each week. Tuart Place has been set up to provide people who have been in out of home care…

Adoption Services, Child Protection and Family Support

Adoption Services is a section of Child Protection and Family Support within the Department of Communities. Its purpose is to ensure that people who are legally able to do so can gain access to adoption records. The publication ROADS – An index of locations and access to adoption records shows that the following types of…

Old Fairbridgians Association, Western Australia

The Old Fairbridgians Association (OFA) was established in the 1930s to provide aftercare assistance for young people leaving Fairbridge Farm at Pinjarra. Recently, the website of the OFA was re-badged as ‘fairbridgekids’. The website has been developed for people who spent some of their childhood or youth at Fairbridge Farm. People are encouraged to ‘walk…

Superintendent of Poor Relief and Inspector of Charitable Institutions

The Superintendent of Poor Relief and Inspector of Charitable Institutions was a position within the Colonial Secretary’s office. The Colonial Secretary’s office was responsible for a wide range of affairs in Western Australia, administered by a number of ‘sub-departments’ such as that of the Superintendent. In 1907, after the State Children Act was proclaimed, responsibility…

Colonial Secretary’s Office, Colony of Western Australia

The Colonial Secretary’s Office in the Colony of Western Australia continued the role of the Colonial Secretary’s Office in the Crown Colony of Western Australia from 1890. The Office was responsible for the welfare of children in Western Australia: the Superintendent of Poor Relief and Charitable Institutions was responsible for orphanages and industrial schools; the…

Colonial Secretary’s Office, Crown Colony of Western Australia

The Colonial Secretary’s Office in the Crown Colony of Western Australia was established in 1828. It was responsible for the welfare of children in Western Australia, through the position of the Superintendent of Relief and Inspector of Charitable Institutions. It was also responsible for healthcare in Western Australia, including that of children and young people…