Activ Foundation was established in 1989 when the Slow Learning Children’s Group changed its name to embrace all ages of people with intellectual disabilities and their potential for active participation as members of the Western Australian community.
The Health and Disability Services Complaints Office was established in 2010 under the Health and Disability Services (Complaints) Act 1995 to provide an ‘accessible and impartial service’ for complaint resolution in health and disability services; to investigate complaints; and to undertake education and training in the ‘prevention and resolution of complaints’.
The Office of Health Review was established under the Health and Disability Services (Complaints) Act 1995 to provide an independent authority to receive and investigate consumer complaints, including complaints about hospitals, disability accommodation services and prison health care. The Office of Health Review was replaced by the Health and Disability Services Complaints Office in 2010.
The Mentally Impaired Accused Review Board was established by the Criminal Law (Mentally Impaired Defendants) Act 1996. The functions of the Board are described by Parts 5 and 6 of the Act. The Board is required to determine the place of custody for a person deemed mentally unfit to stand trial, and report on and…
The Ombudsman Western Australia is responsible for reviewing ‘investigable’ child deaths and recommending actions to prevent future deaths. A child death is investigable if it is within two years of the wellbeing of the child (or a child relative of the child) coming to the attention of child welfare authorities, or if the child is…
A Child Death Review Committee was established in 2003 by the Western Australian government to ‘provide quality assurance mechanisms of particular departmental cases where a child has died’. The Committee was to seek to understand why children in the care of child welfare authorities had died, determine whether departmental procedures had an impact on events…
The St John of God Hospital (SJOGH) was opened by the Sisters of St John of God in the Perth suburb of Subiaco on 19 April 1898. It has been one of the largest hospitals in Western Australia. Many children in Catholic out of home care were treated at SJOGH Subiaco. Babies were born, fostered…
The Adoption Research and Counselling Service (Inc) is a professional counselling, support and information service for people who are or have been involved in adoption or foster families, as well as step and blended families and assisted reproductive technology.
The Association Representing Mothers Separated from their Children by Adoption Inc (ARMS) is a Western Australian-based support group for women who have had a child removed by adoption. ARMS aims to provide emotional support to women who have been separated from their children by adoption, and to educate the public about the lifelong effects of…
King Edward Memorial Hospital (KEMH) has been Western Australia’s principal public maternity and gynaelogical hospital since 1916. Many young women in out of home care were admitted there, and many babies were adopted from KEMH. In 1958, following overcrowding in the maternity wards of KEMH, the state government purchased Kensington House, at 91 Hensman Road….