
Young House

Young House was established in Albany in the early 1980s as an emergency accommodation service for young people aged 15-25 years. It was run by a private committee of management, the Albany Youth Support Association Inc. Youth have been placed at or referred to Young House by the departments responsible for child welfare. Young House…

Special Collections and Archives, University of Liverpool

Special Collections and Archives (SC&A), University of Liverpool (in the United Kingdom) has a collection including manuscripts and archives, medieval to modern; early and finely printed books, and science fiction collections. Its Social Welfare Archives comprise records deposited at the University of Liverpool by child-related voluntary organisations, community projects and organisations working with the homeless.

Jigsaw Search & Connect, Western Australia

Jigsaw Search & Connect came into being in 2014. At that time, the organisation Adoption Jigsaw, Western Australia decided to change its constitution, and establish another organisation in Western Australia, called Jigsaw Search & Connect. Jigsaw Search & Connect is to provide services to people affected by foster care and other separated families. In December…

Uniting Church (Synod of Western Australia) Archives

The Uniting Church (Synod of Western Australia) Archives holds some records and information about out of home care that were created by the Methodist and Presbyterian churches and, after 1977, the Uniting Church in WA.

Graceville Centre

The Graceville Centre was the new name given in 1974 to what had been known since 1903 as Graceville. A Salvation Army Rescue Home, Graceville had replaced Cornelie Home at Highgate. By1974 the Graceville Centre in Highgate was a complex of buildings accommodating: mothers and children temporarily; women aged 16-25 for alcohol rehabilitation; and, young…

Yanay Yenma

Yanay Yenma was the Aboriginal body that ran the Boomerang Youth Hostel, Geraldton from at least 1999 (possibly 1997) until 2009. In 2009, it passed the hostel management to the Bundiyarra Aboriginal Community Aboriginal Corporation.

Bundiyarra Aboriginal Community Aboriginal Corporation

The Bundiyarra Aboriginal Community Aboriginal Corporation is the organisation that ran the Boomerang Youth Hostel after it was transferred from the Yanay Yanma Aboriginal Corporation in 2010.

Boomerang Youth Hostel

The Boomerang Youth Hostel, Geraldton began in 1979 as accommodation for Aboriginal youth attending the Geraldton Technical School. By 2005, the hostel accommodated up to 20 Aboriginal youth on a short-term basis. The youth hostel closed in 2011 and reopened in 2012 for people of all ages. The Boomerang Youth Hostel was called the Aboriginal…

Aboriginal Boomerang Council Inc

The Aboriginal Boomerang Council Inc was established on 30 August 1977. From 1979, for an unknown period, the Council ran the Aboriginal Boomerang Council Youth Hostel in Geraldton. The Council was deregistered on 17 February 1997 and the whereabouts of records is unknown.

Government Industrial School

A Government Industrial School was established in 1893 at Claisebrook, and moved to Subiaco in 1897. It was originally for girls, and was then used for older children and for the ‘temporary reception’ of children awaiting other placements. By 1902 it was called the ‘Government Industrial School and Receiving Depot’ and by 1907 it was…