
The Anglican Homes Board

The Anglican Homes Board was the body formed to replace Anglican Orphanages Board of Management to govern Anglican Children’s Homes in Perth. The Anglican Homes Board was supplemented by the Swanleigh Council which was formed to develop and govern the largest Anglican institution, Swanleigh, which replaced Swan Homes. In The Noisy Mansions (1986, pp.210-214), former…

Anglican Orphanages Board of Management

The Anglican Orphanages Board of Management was the body formed to replace Orphanages’ Committee to govern Anglican orphanages and children’s homes in Perth. In 1954 the Anglican Orphanages Board of Management was replaced by the Anglican Homes Board. In The Noisy Mansions (1986, pp.129, 210-214), former Director of Swan Homes and Swanleigh, Roy Peterkin gave…

The Committee

The Committee was the first body set up by the Anglican church in Perth to govern the Perth Girls’ Orphanage, and other Anglican children’s Homes as they were established. In 1889 The Committee was replaced by the Orphanages’ Committee. In The Noisy Mansions (1986), former Director of Swan Homes and Swanleigh, Roy Peterkin quoted (p.6)…

Yurag-Man-Gu Taam-Purru Placement and Support Centre

Yurag-Man-Gu Taam-Purru Placement and Support Centre was the new name given to the government-run Charles Perkins Hostel in Halls Creek around 2000. Children who could not live at home with family were accommodated there. In 2007, it became known as the Yurag-Man-Taam-Purru hostel.

Archives of the Pallottine Fathers and Brothers – Australian Region

The Archives of the Pallottine Fathers and Brothers – Australian Region came into being in the 1990s, when the Pallottines appointed archivists ‘to try to establish some sort of order in the documents that were accumulating in all Pallottine houses around Australia’ according to their website.

St Anne’s Maternity Home

St Anne’s Maternity Home was run by the Sisters of Mercy from around 1958 in the Perth suburb of Mount Lawley. During this time St Anne’s was referred to as both a Hospital and a Home, with the terms being used interchangably. Many babies were adopted from St Anne’s in this period. In 1982 the…

Holy Spirit Province of the Christian Brothers

The Holy Spirit Province of the Christian Brothers was established in 1967 covering the Order’s activities in the states of South Australia and Western Australia. Previously, it was known as the St Patrick’s Province of the Christian Brothers. The new Province was created due to the increasing work of the Christian Brothers and the need…

St Patrick’s Province of the Christian Brothers

The St Patrick’s Province of the Christian Brothers was established in 1953 covering the states of Victoria, Tasmania, South Australia and Western Australia. The St Mary’s Province of the Christian Brothers was established at the same time with both Provinces previously being known as the Australasian Province of the Christian Brothers. The new Province was…

Edmund Rice Education Australia

Edmund Rice Education Australia was established by the Christian Brothers in 2007. It is run by lay people and was created to separately govern and administrate the Christian Brother’s schools in Australia. Edmund Rice Education Australia were responsible for the Tardun Farm School in Western Australia from 2007 to 2009, and they made the offical…

Carlisle Group House

Carlisle Group House was established by Anglicare WA in 1976. By 1983, it provided support and medium term accomodation for up to eight young people aged 16-20 years in a group house setting. It closed around 1994, and was replaced by Anglicare Youth House.