The Department of Local Government, Sport and Cultural Industries was established on 1 July 2017 as an amalgamation of many government departments, including the Department of Local Government and Communities. The Department of Local Government, Sport and Cultural Industries includes the Aboriginal History Research Unit (AHRU). AHRU “manages restricted access archive requests for files from…
Child Protection and Family Support is part of the Department of Communities, a department of the State Government of Western Australia created on 1 July 2017. Child Protection and Family Support provides the services that were previously delivered by the Department for Child Protection and Family Support. In 2018, Child Protection and Family Support ran…
The Kimberley Stolen Generation Aboriginal Corporation was incorporated in 2001 in Broome, Western Australia. The corporation has carried out activities and projects that acknowledge the experiences of members of the Stolen Generations and help them come to terms with it. The KSGAC Link Up Service also helps Aboriginal people of the Stolen Generations to search…
The Case Review Board was formed in 1988 to provide an avenue of redress to parents and relevant third parties who believed decisions made by the department responsible for child protection in Western Australia were not in the best interests of the child. The Board was set up as an advisory committee, making recommendations to…
The Case Review Panel was established on 1 March 2006 under the Children and Community Services Act 2004 to independently review departmental decisions about children in the care of the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of the department responsible for child protection in Western Australia. It replaced the Case Review Board. Parents and relevant others can…
South Perth Library is located in South Perth, Western Australia and was established on 8 March 1960. It is one of two City of South Perth libraries. The library holds a large collection that contains digital and traditional items, including, books, music CDs, DVDs, talking books, magazines and photos. Also housed at the South Perth…
Baptist Aboriginal Ministries was the new name given in 1981 to the Baptist Aborigines Mission. Baptist Aboriginal Ministries (B.A.M.) was the Aboriginal welfare agency of the Baptist Union of WA until the B.A.M. was formally discontinued at the Annual Assembly of Baptist Churches in October 1991.
Baptist Aborigines Mission was the Aboriginal welfare agency of the Baptist Union of WA. In 1981, Baptist Aborigines Mission changed its name to Baptist Aboriginal Ministries.
Jibson House in South Hedland was established in 2011 as a government-run residential group home. It was in the same premises as the South Hedland Group Home. Jibson House had closed by 2014 and in that year the premises were being used for the Port Hedland Lifeskills Office of the Department for Child Protection and…
The Anglican Diocese of Kalgoorlie was formed in 1914 and in 1973 became part of the Anglican Diocese of Perth.