
Department of Health and Community Services [II], Northern Territory Government

The Department of Health & Community Services [II] replaced Territory Health Services. This department took on responsibility for both health and community services which included the health and welfare of children.This Department was replaced by the Department of Health and Families in 2008.

Department of Health and Families, Northern Territory Government

The Department of Health and Families replaced the Department of Health and Community Services in 2008. At the end of 2010, the health and welfare functions of this department were separated and the Department of Health and the Department of Children and Families were established in 2011.

Department of Health and Community Services [I], Northern Territory Government

The Department of Health and Community Services [l] began in 1987 when health and community services, which had been the responsibility of two different departments, were brought together. In 1995 health functions were separated again when the Territory Health Services was established. The two functions came together again in 2001 and a second version of…

Department of Health, Northern Territory Government

The Department of Health, Northern Territory Government took over responsibility for health services from the Department of Resources and Health in 1978. In 1987 responsibility for health and community services were brought together under the Department of Health and Community Services [l].

Department of the Northern Territory, Australian Government

The Department of the Northern Territory was the Commonwealth Government Department responsible for administering the Northern Territory from 1975 to 1978.

Office of the Government Resident, Central Australia, Australian Government

The Office of the Government Resident, Central Australia, was responsible for the administration of the Central region of the Northern Territory when it was briefly split into two separate administrative areas. The Territory was divided along the 20th parallel under the provisions of the Northern Australia Act 1926. Both regions remained under the control of…

Office of the Administrator, Northern Territory [I], Australian Government

The Office of the Administrator, Northern Territory replaced the Office of the Government Resident. The Office of the Government Resident was abolished when responsibility for the administration of the Northern Territory passed from South Australia to the Commonwealth. The Administrator was appointed as part of the Northern Territory (Administration) Act 1910. The Administrator undertook day…

Department of Health, Northern Territory Divisional Office, Australian Government

The Northern Terrritory Divisonal Office of the Commonwealth Department of Health was responsible for health functions and services in the Northern Territory from 1939. From 1942 until 1946 as a result of the evacuation of the Territory during the Second World War the Commandant, 7th Military District took over control of these functions. In 1946…

Presbyterian Inland Mission

The Presbyterian Inland Mission (PIM) is the name given to the Presbyterian Church of Australia arm of the Australian Inland Mission. It was still operating in 2013.

Jesuit Aboriginal Mission

The Jesuit Aboriginal Mission was the governing body of all missions in the Northern Territory established by Jesuit missionaries. The Jesuit Aboriginal Mission operated in the Northern Territory from 1882 to the closure of its last mission in 1899. In 1901 the Jesuit Aboriginal Mission became part of the Jesuit Australian Mission. The Jesuit Aboriginal…