The United Protestant Association of New South Wales Ltd (UPA) is a Christian welfare organisation established in 1938. By 1953, the UPA had established 13 children’s homes throughout New South Wales. Each Home came under the jurisdiction and guidance of a District Executive, who reported to a State Council. More than 3,000 children, including British…
The Commonwealth Street Mission was established by the Sydney Rescue Work Society in approximately 1910. It provided food, shelter and clothing for homeless and destitute men and women. It closed around the 1970s.
Integricare is a Christian, non-government service that runs child care facilities and playgroups across Sydney. It is the successor of Communicare and the Sydney Rescue Work Society. It also provides permission to access the records of Sydney Rescue Work Society agencies, including South Sydney Women’s Hospital and the Sydney Rescue Work Society Adoption Agency, as…
The Sydney Rescue Work Society Adoption Agency was founded by the Sydney Rescue Work Society and later operated from South Sydney Women’s Hospital. Records of this agency are held by Community Services.
The Blue Ribbon Gospel Army was established by Sydney philanthropist and evangelist George Edward Ardill in 1882. It provided a range of services to the destitute of the city, including the Open All Night Refuge, the Jubilee Home for Domestic Servants and the Home of Hope for Friendless and Fallen Women. It seems that Ardill…
The Home of Hope for Friendless and Fallen Women was a refuge and rescue home founded in Sydney in October 1883 by George Edward Ardill of the Sydney Rescue Work Society. From 1890 it was based in Gilpin Street (Stanley Street) Camperdown and was a lying-in home for unmarried pregnant women who were waiting to…
Communicare Sydney, which began in 1982, was the new name for the Sydney Rescue Work Society. It was a Christian non-government service that was a provider of child care services, including long day care centres, pre-schools, family day care and OOSH centres. It ran many of its services in the same buildings used by former…
The Sydney Rescue Work Society was formed in 1890 to ‘take over, continue and strengthen the Rescue Work for seven years usefully and beneficially carried on by Mr G.E. Ardill and his philanthropic co-workers’. It ran numerous refuges and homes for women and children in Sydney and surrounding suburbs. From 1911 until at least the…
On Track began operating in 1994 under the auspice of Stretch-A-Family Inc, working with young people aged fifteen to eighteen to provide residential care and preparation for independent living. On Track ceased operating in 2020 when Stretch-A-Family stopped providing out-of-home care.
The Sydney City Mission was a Christian city mission that was founded in 1862. Between 1916 and 1976, the Sydney City Mission operated a number of children’s homes: Cowley House at Cronulla (1916-76); Lawson Cottage at Lawson (1927-30), Stonehaven at Springwood (1929-49); Haddon Hall at Hazelbrook (1950-67); and Mt Gibraltar at Bowral (1930-74). In the…