
Edmund Rice Community Services

Edmund Rice Community Services was established around 2001 and ran Eddy’s Place and Eddy’s Out West in New South Wales. They provided medium to long term accommodation and outreach services for young people and to people who are homeless or at risk of being homeless. On 1 July 2009 MacKillop Family Services took over these…


BaptistCare was established in 2014 as a not-for-profit Christian based care organisation working in ACT and New South Wales. BaptistCare was previously known as Baptist Community Services.

Care Leaver Records Access Unit

The Care Leaver Records Access Unit was established around 2009. The unit assists former state wards, people that were in foster care and anyone who spent time in a children’s home access their records about their time in care. For the Care Leaver Records Access Unit to provide access to records held by the Department…

Adoption Information Unit

The Adoption Information Unit (AIU) is part of the Department of Communities and Justice in New South Wales. The unit provides adoption information and support for individuals and their families in relation to past adoptions that occurred in New South Wales and intercountry adoption. The Adoption Information Unit provides contact information for enquiries about past…

Bethcar Children’s Home

Bethcar Children’s Home was a state-run foster care facility, located near Brewarrina. Bethcar was established in 1969, and was run by the Department of Youth and Community Services (which had assumed responsibility for Aboriginal children in 1969). In 1986 Bethcar moved from Brewarrina to Orange. Bethcar closed in 1989. In his poem “Mission Breed”, David…

Department of Family and Community Services, State Government of New South Wales

The Department of Family and Community Services is a New South Wales state government department established in 2011. It replaced the Department of Human Services which was active from 2009 to 2011. The Department of Family and Community Services provides services and assistance to disadvantaged families, individuals and communities in New South Wales. Community Services…

Kinchela Boys Home Aboriginal Corporation

Kinchela Boys’ Home Aboriginal Corporation (KBHAC) is a support service and advocacy group that works with and for former residents of the Kinchela Boys’ Home to help them recover their identity and wellbeing. It is based in Darlington in Sydney. KBHAC recognises the legacy of, not only, members’ experiences of removal, but also the physical,…

Havilah Group Home

Havilah Group Home, in Marrickville, was run by Church of England Children’s Homes from 1979 until the mid 1980s as a family group home for Aboriginal children. It was staffed by Aboriginal people and was one of the first homes of its kind. It was linked to Marella Aboriginal Program but closed in the mid-1980s…

Junior Red Cross Society

The Junior Red Cross Society was formally established in Australia in 1918, as part of the Australian Red Cross. It was a children’s and youth division, which had regional committees. Various branches of the Junior Red Cross Society set up and ran Homes in various locations around Australia, as part of its peacetime programs. These…

Sunnyfield Association

The Sunnyfield Association was a parent-run organisation formed in 1952 to provide education and accommodation for children with disabilities. Originally a part of the Sub-Normal Children’s Welfare Association of New South Wales, it broke away and became independent in 1956. It ran Sunnyfield School in Manly Vale, and set up hostels for adults in Allambie…