
Samaritans Foundation

The Samaritans Foundation was established on 14 October 1984 to undertake the social welfare work of the Anglican Diocese of Newcastle. Previously it was known as the Newcastle Anglican Board of Social Work.

Department of Education and Communities, State Government of New South Wales

The Department of Education and Communities was established in 2011. Previously it was the Department of Education and Training.

Care Leavers Records and Archives, Anglicare

Care Leavers Records and Archives is part of Anglicare. It stores, maintains and provides access to records from children’s Homes and other institutions run by Anglicare and its predecessors.

Paul Street Adolescent Program

Paul Street Adolescent Program, in Blacktown, was established in 2002. Previously, the service was known as the Kingsleigh Group Home. Run by Anglicare, the Paul Street Adolescent Program provides accommodation for up to 5 teenaged boys. Paul Street Adolescent Program closed in August 2016.

Canterbury Bankstown City Library Service

The Canterbury Bankstown City Library Service comprises 9 branch libraries. The Library’s Local Studies and Family History collections relate to the history, geography and legacy of the Canterbury Bankstown area, in Sydney.

Lutanda Children’s Services

Lutanda Children’s Services is a Christian Brethren community service organisation that was established in 1954. Lutanda Children’s Services commenced by supporting Lutanda Children’s Home and opening Camp Toukley as a holiday home. From 1984, Lutanda Children’s Services provided care in family group homes in Baulkham Hills and Glenmore Park. In 2013, the family group homes…

Edmund Rice Community Services

Edmund Rice Community Services was established around 2001 and ran Eddy’s Place and Eddy’s Out West in New South Wales. They provided medium to long term accommodation and outreach services for young people and to people who are homeless or at risk of being homeless. On 1 July 2009 MacKillop Family Services took over these…


BaptistCare was established in 2014 as a not-for-profit Christian based care organisation working in ACT and New South Wales. BaptistCare was previously known as Baptist Community Services.

Care Leaver Records Access Unit

The Care Leaver Records Access Unit was established around 2009. The unit assists former state wards, people that were in foster care and anyone who spent time in a children’s home access their records about their time in care. For the Care Leaver Records Access Unit to provide access to records held by the Department…

Adoption Information Unit

The Adoption Information Unit (AIU) is part of the Department of Communities and Justice in New South Wales. The unit provides adoption information and support for individuals and their families in relation to past adoptions that occurred in New South Wales and intercountry adoption. The Adoption Information Unit provides contact information for enquiries about past…