The Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Catholic Council was established in 1973. According to Sherriff, the AICC was designed to “provide a unifying centre for all involved in Aboriginal and Islander Ministry and give official recognition to the importance of that work”. The AICC appears to have been wound up in around 1992, when the…
The Petford Training Farm Aboriginal Corporation was incorporated in 1983. It managed the Petford Training Farm in North Queensland.
Teen Challenge was established in Brisbane in 1971. It provides long-term residential treatment and rehabilitation services for young people aged 16-29 who are experiencing life-controlling problems.
Petford Training Farm, Petford, was initially privately funded by Geoff Guest. It opened in 1978 and in August 1983, the Petford Training Farm Aboriginal Corporation was licensed as a foster home. Funding for Petford Training Farm as a residential facility ceased in March 1999. The Petford Training Farm operated as a camp for troubled indigenous…
The Peirson Memorial Trust was founded in 1947, following the donation of land and properties belonging to the Peirson family in Goodwood to the Ann Street Presbyterian Church, Brisbane, for the purposes of establishing a training farm for boys. It ran a number of children’s homes in Queensland. In 2013, the Peirson Memorial Trust provides…
In 2013 the Boopa Werem Kindergarten is a pre-school and childcare operator, based in Bungalow (Cairns), Queensland. It is part of the Creche and Kindergarten Association Limited (C&K) which dates back to 1907. According to the publication Missing Pieces (2001), the Boopa Werem Kindergarten Association operated a family group home in 1980s.
The One People of Australia League (OPAL) was established in 1961 in Queensland to advance Aboriginal issues. It ran institutions in Queensland that housed children, and also organised seaside holiday camps for children. The OPAL Centre opened in Brisbane in 1971 as a support service and social meeting place for Aboriginal people. OPAL published a…
The South East Queensland Aboriginal Community Care Agency (SEQACCA) operated the Mi Gunyah Youth Hostel in Toowoomba from 1997 to 1999. Previously, the organisation was known as the Toowoomba Aboriginal Corporation for Cultural and Recreational Activities (TACCRA).
The Toowoomba Aboriginal Corporation for Cultural and Recreational Activities (TACCRA) operated the Mi-Gunyah Youth Hostel from 1991 to 1997. According to the publication Missing Pieces (2001), TACCRA was re-incorporated in 1997 as the South East Queensland Community Care Agency Aboriginal Corporation.
The Anglican Society of St Francis was established in 1937 in Dorset England, being an amalgamation of 2 other brotherhoods. It is a community within the Anglican Church that models itself on the Franciscan tradition of prayer and study, as well as working with the poor. In 1966, the Anglican Society of St Francis established…