
Micah Projects Inc.

Micah Projects is a community based not-for profit organisation that provides a range of support and advocacy services to individuals and families. One of its initiatives is to provide support services toForgotten Australians and Care Leavers in the form of state-wide information and referral; drop in space for individual support and group activities; community education,…

Franciscan Missionaries of Mary

The Franciscan Missionaries of Mary were first established in Australia in Brisbane, Queensland, in 1941, and worked primarily with Aboriginal people. In Queensland they took over the care of the Leprosarium on Fantome Island and the primary school on Palm Island, both Aboriginal settlements under Government control. They also ran the Xavier Home for Crippled…

Society of the Sacred Advent

The Society of the Sacred Advent is an Anglican religious order founded at Brisbane, Australia, in 1892 by Caroline Grace Millicent Short (1839-1922). In 2014 the order was still active in Brisbane.

Save the Children Fund, Queensland

Save the Children Fund, Queensland was established in 1919 in Brisbane and runs programs throughout Queensland. It works with communities across the country, delivering programs to help disadvantaged, Indigenous, migrant and refugee children and young people reach their full potential. Save the Children Fund developed programs for children in Australia back in the 1950s.

Silky Oaks Haven for Children

The Silky Oaks Haven for Children, in Manly West, was operated by the Open Brethren and the Council of Silky Oaks Children’s Haven. It was established at Toowong in 1940 and moved to Manly in 1946, and was licensed as a foster home. The first State children were admitted to Silky Oaks in April 1950….

Bethesda Mothers’ Hospital

The Bethesda Mothers’ Hospital, in Rockhampton, was run by the Salvation Army. It functioned as a maternity hospital and a rescue home for girls. Before 1938, it was known as the Glenties Mothers’ Hospital. In 1968, it was again renamed Bethesda Hospital and Hostel. An article in Rockhampton’s Morning Bulletin on 2 July 1938 stated…

Queensland Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Catholic Council

The Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Catholic Council was established in 1973. According to Sherriff, the AICC was designed to “provide a unifying centre for all involved in Aboriginal and Islander Ministry and give official recognition to the importance of that work”. The AICC appears to have been wound up in around 1992, when the…

Petford Training Farm Aboriginal Corporation

The Petford Training Farm Aboriginal Corporation was incorporated in 1983. It managed the Petford Training Farm in North Queensland.

Teen Challenge Queensland

Teen Challenge was established in Brisbane in 1971. It provides long-term residential treatment and rehabilitation services for young people aged 16-29 who are experiencing life-controlling problems.

Petford Training Farm

Petford Training Farm, Petford, was initially privately funded by Geoff Guest. It opened in 1978 and in August 1983, the Petford Training Farm Aboriginal Corporation was licensed as a foster home. Funding for Petford Training Farm as a residential facility ceased in March 1999. The Petford Training Farm operated as a camp for troubled indigenous…