In 2021 the Royal Institute for Deaf and Blind Children rebranded, aligning all of its services under the name NextSense. NextSense provides services for children, adults and families of people with hearing or vision loss. The organisation delivers education, cochlear implant, allied health, therapy, research and clinical services.
The Melbourne Jewish Orphan and Neglected Children’s Aid Society was established in 1882. Its objects were to provide for destitute orphan or neglected Jewish children until they turned 16 and to find employment or promote the future welfare of children in its care. In the annual report for 1883, the secretary of the Department of…
The Department of Women, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Partnerships and Multiculturalism was created in November 2024 following a state election. The Community and Personal Histories team within the Department helps Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people to trace their personal and family histories, and can help people to use records from Queensland Missions for…
The Department of Treaty, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Partnerships, Communities and the Arts was created in May 2023 when the Department of Seniors, Disability Services and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Partnerships was renamed. Following an election in November 2024, the Department was renamed to the Department of Women, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander…
The Department of Youth Justice and Victim Support was created following an election in November 2024, where the Department of Youth Justice was renamed. The Department runs youth detention centres in Queensland, and authorises the Department of Families, Seniors, Disability Services and Child Safety to provide access to youth justice records through its Right to…
The Department of Youth Justice was created in May 2023 when the function of youth justice was moved from the Department of Children, Youth Justice and Multicultural Affairs and into the Department of Youth Justice, Employment, Small Business and Training. By December 2023, it was known as the Department of Youth Justice and had been…
The Department of Families, Seniors, Disability Services and Child Safety was created following a state election in November 2024. The Department holds records relevant to people who grew up in State institutions or as wards of the State and operates the Time in Care Information Access Service (TICIAS) through Right to Information. The TICIAS enables…
The Department of Child Safety, Seniors and Disability Services was created in May 2023 when the function of youth justice was moved out of the former Department of Children, Youth Justice and Multicultural Affairs. The Department had responsibility for providing access to historical child welfare records as well as overseeing current child safety issues. Following…
The Immigrants’ Aid Society came into being in May 1853. A non-government organisation, its initial purpose was to provide relief and information only to new arrivals to the colony of Victoria, though its activities quickly expanded beyond providing aid to poor immigrants. Before the colonial government passed the Neglected and Criminal Children’s Act in 1864…
The Warrawong Kindergarten for Emergency Care in Ringwood East began to provide temporary emergency care in the 1960s. Run by the Graduates Association of the Melbourne Kindergarten Teachers College, it started off as a holiday home for children attending kindergartens affiliated with the Free Kindergarten Union. Opening in 1937, it was a “sister” institution to…