
CREATE Foundation

CREATE Foundation (formerly known as the Australian Association of Young People in Care AAYPIC) was established in 1993 to provide an independent voice for children and young people in out-of-home care. CREATE seeks to connect and empower Australian children and young people in care and, change the care system through activities, programs, training, research and…

Children and Young People in Care Advisory Committee

The Children and Young People in Care Advisory Committee was established by the Department for Community Development to provide independent advice to the Director-General on issues relating to children and young people in ‘care’, likely to enter care, and leaving care.

Care for Children Advisory Committee

The Care for Children Advisory Committee was established in 1999 to provide advice on matters relating to the out of home ‘care’ sector to the departments responsible for child welfare in Western Australia. The committee ceased operating in February 2002.

Out of Home Preventative and Alternative Care Planning and Coordination Committee

The Out of Home Preventative and Alternative Care Planning and Coordination Committee was established by the Western Australian government in September 1994. Its role was to advise the Director-General of the Department responsible for child welfare on how services in the out-of-home ‘care’ sector could be integrated and enhanced.

Consultative Committee on Residential Child Care [and Interim Committee]

The Consultative Committee on Residential Child Care (CCRCC) was established by the Premier of Western Australia in 1977 as an Interim committee, as a result of the Committee of Inquiry into Residential Child Care. The CCRCC had a developmental review and evaluation role over out-of-home ‘care’ practices in WA and reported to the Minister responsible…

Mentally Impaired Accused Review Board

The Mentally Impaired Accused Review Board was established by the Criminal Law (Mentally Impaired Defendants) Act 1996. The functions of the Board are described by Parts 5 and 6 of the Act. The Board is required to determine the place of custody for a person deemed mentally unfit to stand trial, and report on and…

Child Death Review Committee, State of Western Australia

A Child Death Review Committee was established in 2003 by the Western Australian government to ‘provide quality assurance mechanisms of particular departmental cases where a child has died’. The Committee was to seek to understand why children in the care of child welfare authorities had died, determine whether departmental procedures had an impact on events…

Board of Visitors, Heathcote

A Board of Visitors for the Heathcote Reception Centre was introduced in 1929 for the independent oversight and ‘protection’ of patients. [From the State Records Office of Western Australia] Following an amendment to the Lunacy Act 1903 in 1920, a Board of Visitors system was introduced in Western Australia for the protection of patients in…

Board of Visitors, Claremont Mental Hospital

A Board of Visitors for the Claremont Mental Hospital was introduced in 1920 for the independent oversight and ‘protection’ of patients. [From the State Records Office of Western Australia] Following an amendment to the Lunacy Act 1903 in 1920, a Board of Visitors system was introduced in Western Australia for the protection of patients in…

Committee to Consider the Capitation Grant for Orphanages, Crown Colony of Western Australia

The Committee to Consider the Capitation Grant for Orphanages of the Legislative Council in Western Australia was appointed by the Governor in 1884. Its aim to was to find out if the amount paid to Orphanages for each child should be increased. This involved asking Orphanages how much it cost to ‘care’ for children and…