The Infants’ Home (TIH) was one of the recipients of a RAD2 grant which the organisation used to arrange the digitisation of records and images relating to the Home, which are held at the State Library of New South Wales. As a result of this work, TIH provided the Find & Connect web resource with new information so we could update our entries about the organisation and its records.
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Recently I’ve been working on an article about children’s institutions in Victoria in the early 1950s. This work saw me actually get up from my desk and leave the office to do some research – at Public Record Office Victoria, the State Library of Victoria and at the National Library of Australia in Canberra. These days, there is so much digitised historical material to access via desk-based research that a historian can get lazy …
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In May 1952, the Perth Sunday Times newspaper carried a series of articles about the fate of a young man who lived at Sister Kate’s Home, in Queens Park. A controversy had arisen about the Home’s policy that its residents be sent to work in the country when they turned 17, when one young man said that he would rather stay in the city.
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