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More Than Our Childhoods Project

A new project aims to demonstrate that people who were in care are more than their childhoods.

Ashley Our Home

Ashley Boys Home and Updating Find & Connect

The history of child welfare in Australia is missing its most important voices without those who were in care.

Boys playing on the grounds of Bethany Boys' Home in Lowelly Road, Lindisfarne

The Life Stories Project is Wrapping Up

A project that documents the stories of people who spent time in care, in their own words & on their own terms, is coming to a close.


We’re 10 Years Old!

A lot has changed in the decade since we first launched and we’re not slowing down


Find & Connect Site Updates

We’re well on our way to a better site, but there’s also a lot that’s been happening in the back ground.

Koorana 1974

Oral History Projects

Listening to people who experienced care provides deep insights into life in the child welfare system.

Improving Records Access for Stolen Generations

The Healing Foundation has developed training that will improve records access for Stolen Generations in collaboration with experts, including Find & Connect

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CEHM, what’s been and what’s to come.

Here’s the place to catch up with what’s been happening at CEHM, and get involved in what’s to come.


Spanish flu

Before COVID-19, Spanish flu tore through the world’s population, threatening children in institutional care in Australia.

Indiginous records New Norcia

Own Your Story, Own Your Mob, Mob Owns You – Re-authoring the colonial archive

Guest Post: “The colonial archive continues to have a disempowering impact on our people whose lives have been extensively documented and controlled for the purposes of surveillance and dispossession.”