There are clear parallels between the Canadian and Australian archival professions in terms of Indigenous representation – but on a broader level, this session made it clear how important it is for people with the lived experience and knowledge to have appropriate access to relevant archives
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The NCTR was first conceived as part of the Indian Residential Schools Agreement 2007. This Agreement created both the Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada (TRC), and, to ensure this history was not forgotten once the TRC finished, the NCTR as a permanent place to house the materials from the TRC and be a place for ongoing truth and reconciliation work
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The wonderful world of Twitter makes it possible to follow what’s happening at various conferences and events around the world, for those of us who can’t travel. The Association of Canadian Archivists has just had its annual conference, this year in Montreal, and following the #ACA2016 tweets has been fascinating.
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