Out-of-Home Care Records Webinar

Watch our webinar on achieving better records access for Care Leavers in archives.

Sarah’s Story: Records Access

“My voice was snuffed out, the adults employed by the state to ensure my safety and wellbeing expressed their assumptions.” This is Sarah M.’s experience of accessing her records.

Submission: Accessing Information Outside FOI

People who grew up in care are actively prevented from finding out banal details about their lives that are often taken for granted.

Aged Care – our submission to the Royal Commission

Good Shepherd
LONG READ: Our submission to the Royal Commission into Aged Care Quality and Safety

Fear, trauma & deinstitutionalising aged care

Barrington Lodge
Research by the Find & Connect web resource has identified a cross over between historical children’s homes and new & existing aged care facilities

Righting past wrongs

childsummonsHistorical care and protection orders are no longer treated as criminal convictions in Victoria
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The MIRRA Project: Memory – Identity – Rights in Records – Access

“I don’t need to make the case for the value of these records or the importance of good recordkeeping, or explain the devastating impact of poor practice on people’s lives. The work that has been done in Australia in advocating for improved systems and culture of access, and for the rights of care experienced people to their histories and identities, has been both a model and an inspiration…”
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Better Together – Keeping Find & Connect Updated With the Help of Care Leavers

Find & Connect is such a comprehensive resource because of the generosity and work of former residents of Homes & institutions. Here are some things we’ve done with their help
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National Centre for Truth and Reconciliation, Canada

The NCTR was first conceived as part of the Indian Residential Schools Agreement 2007. This Agreement created both the Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada (TRC), and, to ensure this history was not forgotten once the TRC finished, the NCTR as a permanent place to house the materials from the TRC and be a place for ongoing truth and reconciliation work
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“Somebody’s Child” – Dublin memorial to children in “care”

In the middle of Dublin’s biggest tourist district, “Somebody’s Child” is somewhere between a memorial and a public art piece. It contains the names and birthdates of children who died in “care” in Ireland. Guest post by David McGinniss
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