Sarah’s Story: Records Access

“My voice was snuffed out, the adults employed by the state to ensure my safety and wellbeing expressed their assumptions.” This is Sarah M.’s experience of accessing her records.

Mitchell Library Reading Room, State Library of NSW

Reading Rooms are opening up again, with restrictions

Archives are opening up again. If you plan on visiting, here are some things you should know.

Records Access During COVID-19

coronavirus Access to records may take longer than usual due to COVID-19 restrictions, but Find & Connect support services are here to help

Correcting the Record

Behaviour record
For people who grew up in care, accessing records can be as devastating as it is important, but if the records are about you, you do have the right to annotate them

Recording RAD 2019

RAD results The Records Access Documentation Grants have made many more records available to people who were in care as children

RADGrant Indexing and Documentation of St. Christopher’s Home Records

Children in the back of a tractor driven wagon People who spent time in St Christopher’s Home in Taree as children will now have faster, better access to records.

Supporting access being granted to institutional care records in NSW – Information Commissioner Guideline

Woodlands boys home Guest Blog: The importance of gaining access to information about out of home care has been recognised with the launch of a new guideline by the NSW Information Commissioner

RADGrant Preservation & Supported Access

St Joseph'sRecords that have been improperly stored are often damaged & difficult to access. MacKillop’s RAD funded project will protect, index & digitise records of more than 2000 children

Records – files or the fabric of life?

RecordsThe impact records can have on a Care Leaver, by Greg Baker, who experienced accessing records about his own life in “care”

RAD Grant Ballarat Orphanage & Children’s Home Records 1920-1986

BallaratOrphanageCAFS Ballarat RAD funded project will digitise & index records about hundreds of children from Ballarat Orphanage & Children’s Home
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