We’ve reached the end of blogJune!
If you’ve come the whole way with us, or even just picked up a couple of posts over the month, you’ll know there have been some cracking reads. We’ve been fortunate to have people write for us on all different subjects relating to the work of Find & Connect. Thank you to everyone that contributed a post.
We’ve covered a lot of ground this month, reporting back from conferences, discovering records Care Leavers can now access, looking at the efforts of international organisations to replicate at least some of the Australian experience, and placing out-of-home care into its historical context. If you haven’t had enough, you can go back to Watching the Past in the Present – films, tv & documentaries for links to films you can watch, and Hearing the Past in the Present – online exhibitions, oral histories, radio/podcasts and theatre for everything else.
If you want to go back over the posts from this month, you can find them all by clicking on the #blogjune tag on the site.
We’ve really appreciated all the comments on the blog, and the responses on social media too. Now we’re heading back to fortnightly posting, we’d love to know what you’ve enjoyed over the last week, what resonated with you, and what you would like to see more of.
Likewise, if you would like to write a post in the future, please get in touch.
Finally, as this is our last post for the month, we’d like to thank those who’ve taken the time to fill in the site survey. Your responses will shape the Find & Connect site, to make it more useful to those that need it, and we’re grateful you took the time.
If you haven’t, it takes an average of six minutes and your opinion really is important to us. So we’ve posted the survey below in the hope that, for the next 5 minutes, you’re free to answer a few questions that will mean the site better meets the needs of all those who use it.