The interactive Child Welfare Timeline was introduced to the Find & Connect web resource last year to provide a more engaging experience for people interested in an overview of the major events and legislation in the history of child welfare in Australia.
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Today we have a guest post from Alison Atkinson-Phillips, discussing her research into memorials to lived experience in Australia.
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In December 2016, I was part of a panel at the conference of the International Australian Studies Association (InASA) in Fremantle, hosted by the Centre for Human Rights Education at Curtin University. Chaired by Dr Joanne Evans, the panel was titled ‘Reimagining the archive for archival autonomy’.
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Last year’s conference of the Australian Society of Archivists featured a plenary session: Towards a National Summit – Setting the Records Straight for the Rights of the Child. One of the presentations from this session is now available as a youtube video – Frank Golding’s ‘The Care Leavers’ Perspective’.
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“You’ve got to do something mate. Did you see it the other night? The bastards! It was brutal. That’s what happened to me. It’s got to stop.”
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Rather than complete a traditional written summary of our #blogjune posts, I have visualised some of the interesting things from the month. During #blogjune the diversity of our authors and our posts increased and this first visualisation shows the amount of blog posts written by guest authors in comparison to authors from the Find & Connect web resource.
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We have made it! Today is the last day of #blogjune. This means we have written a post for every (working) day in June. We have had 11 authors for the month and 21 blog posts.
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The Senate report, Betrayal of Trust and the Royal Commission have all made recommendations about the need to provide external oversight to ensure that claims made against institutions, via civil litigation for abuse, are transparent and non‐adversarial.
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Are they trying to hide something? I’ve been led astray! (Participant, Find & Connect Usability testing, 2012) Broken links are all over the internet, but what few people realise is the powerful, negative, even traumatising effect they can have on vulnerable people. Fixing them is part of my job, and something that takes (quite a lot of) time.
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Personal recordkeeping refers to the processes of creating, capturing, organising and pluralising records of a personal nature, whether by the individuals themselves or by others. This means that the records that are created about a child in out-of-home care (OOHC) actually forms part of that child’s personal recordkeeping.
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