Care Experienced History Month

Kayt McGeary and Dee Michell both experienced out of home care as children. They’ve teamed up to bring Care Experienced History Month (CEHM), an initiative of Who Cares? Scotland to Australia this April. CEHM will be observed in Britain, New Zealand and the United States this year as Who Cares? Scotland works to achieve global recognition of the history of “care” and those who experienced it.

I didn’t feel forgotten, and the experience of being in foster care never leaves me

Dee Michell

This video introduces CEHM Australia, the events and initiatives planned for the month. McGeary and Michell also discuss using the term “Care Experienced”, a term commonly used in the UK. There are also opportunities to be involved in CEHM, and to centre the voices of people who were in care in their own history.

Let’s not see a repeat of the Forgotten Australians in the 21st century

Kayt McGeary

If you were in care and want to be part of the CEHM discussions, or to nominate someone you think is a positive role model, contact CEHM Australia by email:

You can also follow them on: Facebook: and Twitter:

We welcome your opinions on this initiative, the language around people who were in care, and if you plan to be involved in this Month in any way. Please leave a comment below and we’ll make sure it gets back to the organisers.