On the 16.11.09, the Australian Government delivered a national apology to ‘Forgotten Australians’, (people who spent time in care between the 1920’s and 1980’s), and Former Child Migrants. The apology recognised the removal of children from their families, their “physical suffering, the emotional starvation and the cold absence of love, of tenderness, of care.” On the tenth anniversary of the Apology, Find & Connect services around Australia are holding events for those the apology was for.
Northern Territory
Relationships Australia NT is hosting a morning tea event in Darwin. The event will be held at the Foreshore Café, located near the Acknowledgement Seat RANT and the Alliance of Forgotten Australian’s installed 2 years ago. At the event a tree will be planted next to the Acknowledgment seat to provide shade for those visiting the seat. Federal Member for Solomon Mr Luke Gosling will be attending the event and will say a few words about developments in the NT following the Royal Commission. Forgotten Australians, Former Child Migrants, the Stolen Generations, and family and friends are invited to attend the event.
Date: Friday the 15th of November
Time: 10 – 11.30am
Place: Foreshore Café
Please RSVP by the 8th of November at rantreception@ra-nt.org.au or (08) 89234999.
BBQ on the strand
Date: Thursday 14th November 2019
Time: from 10:00am
Place: the strand (water park end) followed by afternoon tea at Lotus Place at 2pm to watch the Senate Speech.
Please RSVP by Monday 11th November to (07) 4724 2559
Peer meeting and Apology event
Date: Thursday 28th November 2019
Time: from 11:00am for BBQ lunch
Place: Bucasia Beachfront (St Joseph’s Orphanage Memorial), opposite Little Antonio’s Kitchen, 35 Bucasia Esplanade, Bucasia
South Australia

The Open Place event will be held in recognition both of the importance of the 10 year anniversary to Forgotten Australians, and also the anger felt by many that not enough has been done to address their needs since the Apology. The recent announcement that Berry Street will no longer be operating Open Place after June 2020 is also causing concern in the community. As such, the event will be an opportunity to reflect on the last 10 years, with a light lunch provided.
Date: Friday 15 November
Time: 12.00 – 2.00pm.
Address: Suite 1, 8 Bromham Place, Richmond VIC 3121
The Wattle Place Apology event will be a lunch at NSW State Parliament. At the moment the event is fully booked
Date: Friday 15th November
Place: NSW State Parliament House
To be added to the waiting list, please RSVP to 02 8837 7000
The members in WA have elected not to hold an event.
The Apology event in Tasmania will be at the Botanical Gardens, followed by lunch.
Date: Friday 15th November
Time: 12:30pm
Place: Meet at the Rose Garden, at the plaque for Forgotten Australians, Hobart Botanical Gardens, then lunch will be provided at the restaurant in the Banksia Room.
Tammy Hamers
November 18, 2019 9:50 amWhy is there no support for Canberra forgotten Australians and why were we not remembered in the anniversary of the apology? Why are Canberra forgotten Australians being excluded?
Find & Connect
November 19, 2019 11:52 amHi Tammy,
The Canberra Find and Connect support service is at 15 Napier Close, Deakin, ACT 2600, and you can call them on 1800 16 11 09 or 02 6122 7100. We’ll send them your message so they can respond to you directly.