Barnardos Former Child Migrant Card Catalogue
- Mar 28, 2019
- In News
Throughout 2019 we will be highlighting projects funded by the RAD (Records Access Documentation) Grants.
From 1920 to 1965 Barnardos ran an official Immigration Scheme under which many children migrated to Australia. Whilst the Scheme was in operation, all Child Migrants sent to Australia with Barnardos had their file summary, along with some notes, recorded on a card.
These cards are an important resource for Former Child Migrants searching for records of their time in “care”, however they have never been catalogued.

Mowbray Park Tuck Shop Barnardos Farm School 1948
The Card Catalogue Index project will document the records Barnardos holds for Former Child Migrants, and preserve these cards, including transcribing their content into a database, creating a name index from the cards, and linking the cards to any other records that may exist for that person.
Former Child Migrants who were part of the Barnardos Scheme will be able to know almost immediately if Barnardos holds records relating to them.
These records can include information of the date and details of their birth and migration to Australia, and details of placement following their arrival. Digitising the cards will not only ensure that their content is preserved, but also mean Barnardos can provide high resolution copies (electronic or paper) to Former Child Migrants.
This project will protect the cards originally created at the time of migration, allow Former Child Migrants to have a copy of the card, and allow those searching for records to know what records are held, providing access faster than previously.
Barnardos is located in NSW. More info about Barnardos Child Migration Scheme here: