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Victoria - Legislation

Children's Welfare Act 1928 (1929 - 1955)

  • The Children's Welfare Act 1928

    The Children's Welfare Act 1928

Principal Act

The Children's Welfare Act 1928 (No. 3654) was 'An Act to consolidate the Law relating to Children's Welfare and to the Protection of Infant Life'. It commenced on 18 December 1929 and consolidated and replaced all Victorian legislation relating to child welfare and infant life protection since 1864. In the 1920s, there was a growing shortage of foster parents, and as a result, there was a growing use of children's homes to accommodate children who were state wards.


This Act repealed the Infant Life Protection Act 1915, No. 2670; Neglected Children's Act 1915 No. 2703; Children's Maintenance Act 1919 ( s16 and 23); Children's Maintenance Act 1924 (s7); Children's Welfare Act 1924 No. 3351; Children's Welfare Act 1926 No. 3497.

1933: Sections 18 and 109 of the Children's Welfare Act 1928 were amended by the Children's Welfare Act 1933.

1954: The Children's Welfare Act 1954 repealed the Children's Welfare Act 1928 on 1 September 1955.


 1864 - 1888 The Neglected and Criminal Children's Act 1864
       1888 - 1890 The Neglected Children's Act 1887
             1890 - 1915 The Neglected Children's Act 1890
             1891 - 1915 Infant Life Protection Act 1890
                   1915 - 1929 Neglected Children's Act 1915
                   1915 - 1929 Infant Life Protection Act 1915
                   1919 - 1929 Children's Maintenance Act 1919
                         1929 - 1955 Children's Welfare Act 1928
                               1955 - 1959 Children's Welfare Act 1954
                                     1959 - 1971 Children's Welfare Act 1958
                                           1971 - 1978 Social Welfare Act 1970
                                                 1979 - 1983 Community Welfare Services Act 1978
                                                       1987 - Community Services Act 1987

Related Glossary Terms

  • State Ward (c. 1880 - 1990s)

    The terms under which a child or young person could be admitted to the 'care' of the Children's Welfare Department are set out in the Children's Welfare Act 1928 (these provisions were amended by the Children's Welfare Act 1933).

    Date: 1928 - 1954


Online Resources


The Children's Welfare Act 1928
The Children's Welfare Act 1928


Sources used to compile this entry: 'Victoria: Legislation', in To remove and protect: laws that changed Aboriginal lives, Australian Institute of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Studies, 2008,; Victorian Government, 'Victorian Government Submission to the Senate Inquiry into Children in Institutional Care (Submission 173)', in Inquiry into Institutional Care: Submissions received as at 17/03/05, July 2003,; Law Research Service, Melbourne Law School, Law Library, The University of Melbourne. 'Find and Connect Project - Victoria Legislation', 13 December 2013, held in the project files at the University of Melbourne eScholarship Research Centre.

Prepared by: Cate O'Neill and Nell Musgrove